These are the proficiencies available to Oriental characters. I decided to maintain the OA proficiency system, as martial arts become almost impossible to handle without it. Below are tables of the number of initial proficiencies that characters recieve at creation, and how fast they gain new proficiencies. Gains are calculated from level 0 (i.e. a Barbarian who gains 1/3 proficiencies per level gains his first new proficiency at level 3). The proficiencies are divided into groups as in the OA hardback. For those proficiencies listed in 2nd-Edition, those rules should be used, while only uniquely Oriental proficiencies should be taken from the OA rules. Some proficiencies have been renamed (i.e. Gem Cutting to Jeweler, Riding (Land Based) and Riding (Airborne) to Horsemanship (which applies only to horselike creatures), etc.) but should be easily recognizable. I have added a few groups, and the characters to which they are available should be obvious (Rogue to Yakuza and Ninja, Psionic to Psionicists). The groups to which a character has normal access is the decision of the DM, as the groups are based more on social standing and situation than on character class. Of course, any character can learn any proficiency if he finds a teacher, though perhaps at double cost. Character Proficiency Slots: ---------------------------- Class Initial Prof. Prof. per Level Non-Prof. Weapon Barbarian 9 1/3 -2 Bushi 4 1/2 -2 Kensai 3 1/2 -3 Monk 5 1/2 -4 Ninja 2 1/3 -4 Priest 6 1/2 -3 Psionicist 5 1/2 -4 Samurai 5 1/1 -2 Shukenja 6 1/2 -4 Sohei 4 1/3 -2 Wu Jen 6 1/2 -5 Yakuza 3 1/2 -3 Proficiencies: -------------- Artisan: Proficiency Cost Ability Modifier Armorer 2 Int -2 Blacksmith 1 Str 0 Bowyer/Fletcher 1 Dex -1 Brewer 1 Int 0 Carpenter 1 Str 0 Cobbler 1 Dex 0 Civil Engineer 2 Int -3 Healer 2 Wis -2 Herbalist 2 Int -2 Jeweler 2 Dex -2 Locksmith 1 Dex 0 Masseur 1 Dex 0 Miner 2 Wis -3 Navigator 1 Int -2 Paper-maker 1 Wis -3 Potter 1 Dex -2 Seamstress/Tailor 1 Dex -1 Silk Maker 1 Dex -3 Stonemason 1 Str -2 Tanner/Leatherworker 1 Int 0 Weaponsmith 3 Int -3 Weaver 1 Int -1 Barbarian: Proficiency Cost Ability Modifier Animal Lore 1 Int 0 Chanting 1 Cha -2 Direction Sense 1 Wis +1 Fire Building 1 Wis -1 Running 1 Con -6 Signaling 1 Int -2 Snare Building 1 Dex -1 Sound Imitation 2 Int -2 Survival 2 Int 0 Tracking 3 Int 0 Weather Sense 1 Wis -1 Common: Proficiency Cost Ability Modifier Agriculture 1 Int 0 Animal Handling 2 Wis -1 Appraising 1 Int 0 Begging 1 Cha 0 Cooking 1 Int 0 Dancing 1 Dex 0 Endurance 2 Con 0 Fishing 1 Wis -1 Gaming 1 Cha 0 Horsemanship 1 Dex -1 Hunting 1 Wis -1 Husbandry 1 Int -1 Iaijutsu 1 NA NA Intimidation 1 Str/Cha 0 Juggling 1 Dex -1 Language, Modern 1 Int 0 Local History 1 Cha 0 Mountaineering 1 NA NA Musical Instrument 1 Dex -1 Reading/Writing 1 Int +1 Reading Lips 2 Int -2 Rope Use 1 Dex 0 Sailing Craft 1 Dex +1 Singing 1 Cha 0 Small Water Craft 1 Dex +2 Swimming 1 Str 0 Ventriloquism 1 Int -2 Court: Proficiency Cost Ability Modifier Ancient History 1 Int -1 Astrology 2 Int 0 Calligraphy 2 Dex -3 Etiquette 1 Cha 0 Falconry 2 Wis -2 Flower Arranging 1 Wis -1 Heraldry 1 Int 0 Landscape Gardening 1 Wis -2 Language, Ancient 1 Int 0 Noh 1 Wis -3 Origami 1 Dex -1 Painting 1 Wis -3 Poetry 1 Wis -3 Religion 1 Wis 0 Spellcraft 1 Int -2 Tea Ceremony 2 Wis -1 Psionic: Proficiency Cost Ability Modifier Harness Subconscious 2 Wis -1 Hypnosis 1 Cha -2 Meditation 1 NA NA Medatative Focus 1 Wis +1 Rogue: Proficiency Cost Ability Modifier Fast-Talking 1 Cha 0 Forgery 1 Dex -1 Looting 1 Dex 0 Observation 1 Int 0 Trailing 1 Dex 0 Voice Mimicry 2 Cha 0 Weapon: Proficiency Cost Ability Modifier Ambidexterity 1 NA NA Style Specializations: Single-Weapon 1 NA NA Two-Hander 1 NA NA Two-Weapon 1 NA NA Weapon and Shield 1 NA NA Weapon Proficiency 1 NA NA Weapon Specialization Varies NA NA
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